Saturday 16 February 2019


FRA#7 - Making the story board of the first short film

Now that our scenario is complete, the task of making the story board is crucial. As the shooting of our short film will be long and complex, and as we have already invited three external contributors, we have decided to momentarily stop the practical exercises and to focus on that task. Making a story board is a very long process, that may take up to a good ten hours of work.

The French E-STAFF group was divided into six groups, each group being responsible of a scene, and each scene featuring a specific element of the cultural heritage of the area. Mrs Raut, the art and cinema teacher, supervised the making of the story boards whereas Mr. PĂ©rillat, the English teacher, supervised the writing of the dialogues.

 Here are some photos of the process after 3 weeks :

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