Tuesday 30 April 2019


FRA#13 - fourth day of shooting - English tour at the Bus Museum (+ video)

As we explained in our first report, each time we shoot a scene of our film, we go to a heritage site of the area.

Today we went to The Bus Museum of Vanosc, a small village next to Annonay. This museum is dedicated to the invention of buses and coaches in Ardèche.

As the plot of the students' film features a short trip of the two heroes in a coach, the team of the Museum allowed us to ride an actual coach from the 1930'. What an adventure !

The story board of the scene in the coach

Very big thanks to the president and treasurer of the Bus Museum, Mr Serge Bonijoly and Ms Muriel Bonijoly, to our English-speaking guide, Ms Nathalie Fiancette, to the coach driver, Mr Eric Pourchas, and to the Mayor of Vanosc, Mr Yves Boulanger. Also very big thanks to the parents who helped us, Mr Etienne Caillard and Ms Laura Tejeda.

You can go to the the website of the museum by clicking here.

As usual, we shot a behind-the-scenes report about our visit and about the day of shooting :

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