Thursday 1 August 2019


PL#14 The assessment of the project after one year

Summing Up Activities

On the 17th of June 2019 there was an E-STAFF meeting with all our friends: the headteacher Mrs Barbara Gwizdała, students, their parents and participating teachers. 

There were plenty of thanks, presentations and disussions as well as the survey for all the parties involved. The survey was created to find out if members of the project benefited from the project and if yes, in which areas. Here are the results of the surveys.

The students: 

1.Have you learnt anything new participating in the project?
Mostly students declared that they learnt new things during the project (only one student stated that he/she didn't learn any new things). Students enumarated following skills/areas that they learnt: film shooting, film editing, English, acting, group work. Students declared that they became more open and that they made international friends.

2.Is there anything you don't like and it needs being changed?
Mostly students were satisfied. Some students (3) who hosted/visited Bulgarian students declared that the age of the pairs host-guest should be more or less the same.

3.What did you like in the project?
Mostly students were satisfied with the project activities, such as film shooting and film editing, creating the plot of the film, visiting foreign countries and hosting at home friends from other schools, making new friends.

The parents:

1.Has your child learnt anything new participating in the project?
All the parents declared that their children learnt new things during the project. Parents enumarated following skills/areas that their children learnt: film shooting, film editing, English, acting, group work, IT skills in general. Parents declared that their children became more open and confident, eager to speak English.

2.Is there anything you don't like and it needs the change?
Mostly parents were satisfied.One parent mentioned problems with food during the mobility and the age of the students.

3.What did you like in the project?
Parents were highly satisfied with the project activities. However, they mentioned communication via different media which they liked the most. They stated it was fast and efficient. They felt well-informed and in touch.  

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